Off-Page SEO

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-Page SEO, or off-site SEO, refers to a website’s search engine optimization efforts that are done off-site (not on the website). This includes link building, social media marketing, and bookmarking/sharing among other strategies. These activities increase the number of links to your website, boosting both its popularity and credibility – which are metrics search engines use to determine which sites to display. Off-page SEO is done to increase your website’s search engine results page ranking and the visibility of your website. Utilizing the off-page resources available to you is done to help connect your business to your target market.

How does Off-Page SEO Improve Ranking?

Search engines like Google and Bing use algorithms, which are complicated mathematical equations, that help search engines to determine which sites and pages to display on a search engine results page. Essentially, off-Page SEO tells these search engines how others view your site. If you have many valuable backlinks from authority websites then this must mean that you provide valuable content. The search engines take this into consideration by improving your website’s position as it executes the algorithm. Social media marketing can also contribute to off-page SEO. Social signals are very effective in increasing awareness of your business and its offerings. As customers interact with your business on social media platforms and share your posts, you are not only improving your search engine ranking but also partaking in an effective form of advertising.

Off-page and On-page SEO work hand in hand to increase traffic to your website and generate business. To learn more about on-page SEO, click here.